Due to this disadvantage, 811 locators can only find what they connect their equipment. They cannot find other items in the area. What's Below uses equipment that finds anything under it for over 232 feet. Tone equipment only goes 8 feet below the grass.
Plastic water and sewer pipes
Fiber-optic lines
Something like a pipe that is a mile long or longer
Cement sewer pipes
Septic tanks
Plastic gas lines
Clay lateral lines or field tile
Cement or rock foundations
Water edge in a sewer pipe
Construction debris
Underground streams and rivers
The picture shows a great example of how tone equipment cannot find it all. What's Below came after an 8" water main (left) was hit by a contractor because it was not located or marked by the water company's tone equipment. The tone was connected to the 4" water service line instead. What's Below locates it all !
GPR has many different antennas to find what is below that can be non-toneables. However, you must know how deep the items are you are trying to locate... What's Below has one set of antennas that can locate anything at any depth. This makes for faster locating.
You need to find all items in the area you are about to dig. What's Below can locate it all ! Toneables and non-toneables are found by What's Below.